Thursday, February 4, 2010

Have Your Say!! The 2010 Entry Draft

Okay guys, it's time to decide on the date and time for our 2010 Entry Draft.

Right now I'm looking at Saturday, February 27th or Sunday, February 28th. I'm also thinking about an early afternoon start (somewhere between 1PM-3PM) and we need at least 3 hours to complete the draft.


Could each manager please post their opinion in the comment section below, as well as any restrictions on your availability ASAP please. All managers must be present for the draft, so we need to coordinate this date as soon as we can.

If any manager chooses not to voice their opinion by Feb 13th, it will be assumed that they are available at any time and have no issues with the selected date and time.


  1. Feb 27th, no later then 2pm start.

  2. WinOrLoseHitTheBoozeFebruary 4, 2010 at 9:42 PM

    Any sunday after the 21st I'm good, anywhere anytime.

  3. Sunday works for me but have to be done for 3 pm Gold medal game....

  4. hmmmmmmmm gold medal game... maybe Saturday the 27th is better???

    Unless we all want to watch the game right after the draft... but there might be too many Commies in the house!!

  5. WinOrLoseHitTheBoozeFebruary 9, 2010 at 11:17 AM

    It has to be on a Sunday, fuck Saturday, just make it the 28th around 12....

  6. No way can we do the draft the same day as the gold medal game. I say either the 27th or the first weekend of March.

  7. Why can't we do it before and then all watch the game? You have a specific place you want to watch it? We can try and wrap it up earlier. I want this draft done in February.

  8. I'm not watching the game at your crib bro, so make the draft whenever.....

  9. Also, Screwballs needs to relax a little, just because the gold medal game is on doesnt mean shit. Its not like we need a fucking tail-gate party for it. The 28th is fine, lets just start it earlier and finish earlier, what's the problem??

  10. See, when I say there's no way we can do the draft on the day of the gold medal game, it's because I'm not available to do the draft on the day of the gold medal game, even if we try to start the draft at 12:30 (and, let's be honest, we all know 12:30 really means we don't going until around 1:30). The 28th is a no go for me. I can do the Saturday, I can do the weekend before or I can do the next weekend.

  11. Screwballs, what's wrong with the 28th? you're obviously going to watch the game so why can't you make it beforehand???

    WinOrLose.. you're not watching the game? Or you just need your own huge TV?

  12. WinOrLoseHitTheBoozeFebruary 11, 2010 at 7:04 AM

    Only big screens...........

  13. Gotta take my parents to the airport beforehand. Probably won't be able to get to your place until after 1, probably closer to 2. The 28th is just no good for me.

  14. Fuck man, I don't know what to tell you.. that's a pretty lame excuse. Considering we don't have many other options, can you try and figure out another way for them to get there?

    I don't wanna be a dick man, but it's almost impossbile to organize everyone and I can't let one small thing like this change the whole date.

  15. Sorry man, I told them I'd take them long before you suggested the 28th as a date, and there's no one else available who can do it. So, unless you're willing to pay for their cab . . .

    Look, it's your call, but if you decide to go with the 28th, I won't be able to make it, so you'll be down at least one manager.

  16. WinOrLoseHitTheBoozeFebruary 11, 2010 at 8:42 PM

    Screwballs, your fucking weak!!! If you need the afternoon to pull it, just say so, dont bullshit us about a phantom plane ride.
